Statement by the Commercial Stevedoring Agricultural & Allied Workers Union
The platinum mineworkers strike is now the longest strike in the history of the mining industry and the demand for a living wage of R12,500 demand is one of the most important demands to have emerged from the workers struggle since 1994. The demand is not just for a better wage but is a demand against the capitalist system itself. The mineworkers are leading the way – they give hope and confidence to workers across the country and beyond!
Workers are demanding R12,500 so that they can live a life of dignity with decent housing, water, electricity, food, healthcare, education and transport. These are not big things. They are things every human needs for a decent life. Bosses claim workers are unreasonable while Mr. Griffith (Anglo American Platinum CEO) and his 11 executives and top management have just been awarded R25.3m in a bonus-share scheme and a further R51.8m if performance criteria are met. Over and above their obscene salaries, top management get paid out in share options and share dividends that come to millions of rands. AMCU reports that management is being paid at least 209 times more than the lowest-paid workers.
Throughout the strike reactionary forces, including the state, the ANC government and bosses’ trade unions, have worked together in attempts to crush the strike, victimise and intimidate workers because the demand for a living wage threatens the whole system. Strike leaders have been falsely charged with attempted murder, Amplats bosses have filed a claim against AMCU for nearly R600m in damages, Amplats attempted to lay criminal charges against strike leaders and now we see bosses recklessly circumventing the union and calling for a return to work with threats of job losses if workers do not return. They are fuelling divisions amongst workers and threatening workers’ livelihoods. Hundreds of police are being sent in to support the bosses’ calls. At least 18 workers have been injured by Amplats mining security this week during a peaceful protest and dozens have been arrested on charges of public violence. The government is decisively stepping in on the side of the bosses. Now that elections are over, they are going all out to break the strike, which could result in a repeat of the Marikana massacre in 2012.
Workers are standing strong and refusing to return to work. We salute our comrades and call on our class brothers and sisters to remain strong and united, despite the attacks. There is nothing worse than when we turn on each other because of the violence created by the bosses and their system.
CSAAWU calls on all progressive forces to come out strongly in support and defence of the mineworkers strike and the demand for R12,500! We call for:
§ The urgent rolling out of regional and national living wage assemblies that involve local communities, movements and trade unions in the next 2 weeks. The assemblies must advance strike solidarity, a living wage for all workers, the building of the united front, mass workers party and a workers government.
§ Food and money collections in every organisation, community and workplace.
§ Charity and religious organisations, including Gift of the Givers, to come out in full support. Workers are being starved back to work!
§ United Front strike support committees in every region.
§ The rolling out of solidarity protests, pickets and secondary strike action.
§ International solidarity from our class brothers and sisters – dockworkers refuse to handle platinum! Transport workers refuse to transport platinum! Mineworkers and trade unions across the world, stand with your brothers and sisters!
The strike needs the weight of the working class behind it so workers are not starved and intimidated back to work! A victory for mine workers will be a victory for all workers, employed and unemployed. It will be a victory against a system that creates violence and threatens our human existence!
FORWARD WITH mines under democratic control & MANAGEMENT of THE working class!
Viva SOCIALISM viva!
Posted with acknowledgement to and with permission of CSAAWU