United Front (Greater JHB Region), 5th floor, JC Bez Numsa Building, 32-34 Eloff Street, Johannesburg
Telephone: 011-3312386 Cell: 0790307657 Email: UFJHB@riseup.ne
2019 April 19
TO: The General Secretary
African People’s Democratic Union of South Africa
Dear comrades
Greetings in the name of the labouring masses of South Africa, Africa and the world. On behalf of the United Front – Greater Johannesburg Region – we would like to wish your conference success and productive discussions. Our organisation’s mission is to unite labour, community and youth/student struggles. In the course of our work, we have always received the support of APDUSA especially through the participation of Comrade Mmiselo Bayi, your member, in our activities including him being a member of our Executive Committee. We therefore felt it necessary to send this letter of support to return the solidarity you have shown and to encourage APDUSA in its political work which we find in full alignment with our mission.
The working class and its allied popular social forces is facing great challenges today. The crisis in global capitalism is felt particularly acutely in semi-peripheral societies such as ours including in all non-imperialist countries. Your organisation has kept the flag of struggle against capitalist exploitation and oppression flying for decades. We look to you and fraternal pro-working class organisations to organise and lead the defence against the attacks on the labouring masses. However, we also want to say the greater the challenge the greater the glory. The capitalists are their own gravediggers. The basis is there to turn the defence into an offensive and to wage a victorious struggle against the capitalists. Your congress will contribute to this struggle for a new world. A world where all forms of exploitation and oppression are finally eradicated.
‘The demands and aspirations of the oppressed workers and peasants shall be paramount’ and victorious.
Yours in struggle
Trevor Ngwane Princess Majola
Chairperson Secretary